domingo, 6 de enero de 2008


GAR is a concept that goes beyond the primal level. It is an idea that is more akin to justice, integrity, and honor than it is to something that can be seen in lower life forms, such as feelings of attraction or fear.

GAR goes beyond sexuality. Those who believe that GAR means "A man who straight men would fuck" seem to be incapable of realizing the utter depth of this made-up term. From the epic "Virtus" posts, we come to realize it goes beyond the ways of simple attraction, but admiration. GAR is a trait that is used to describe someone who upholds the ideals which traditionally belong to the domain of men, such as strength, courage, and even audacity, and at the same time, a careful balance of subtler emotions.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Lo hiciste!! publicaste!! tanto tiempo sin leernos por aca XD... eso ya es GAR!!